Established in 2016, Earwig Publishing seeks to produce Stories and Games that stray from the path worn-in by mainstream media. The Earwig is an oft misunderstood creature lurking in the darkness, whispering among themselves, and making tea and jammed toast on the coals of the ire cast against them. “They think we’ll crawl in their ears while they sleep!” says one. To which another replies, “Atrocious! What use have we for such a bounty of wax and nonsense?”
Cereal is my favorite thing to eat in the mornings when I'm writing. It’s fast, easy, delicious, and I really like the heat differential between a spoonful of O’s and a sip of Earl Grey. My latest box was an old classic: Honey Nut Cheerios, but I’ve not be eating them as General Mills had probably ever envisioned, though I could say it’s as nature intended: Sprinkled with ants.
Lately it seems that this is the decade of movie remakes and reboots. It’s as if some uncreative person was like “hey, all the ideas have already been done. That gives me an idea! Let’s remake old ideas that sold well.”
S: "So how did you two meet?"
They look at each other, telepathically telling the other to tell the story. He loses and says, "In an elevator."
She huffs the smallest hint of annoyance mixed with adoration, "In a stuck elevator."
"It came! It finally came!" I squealed to no one in particular. With the catalog rolled up and held in my armpit, I lifted the heavy wooden trapdoor and descended into the catacombs.
Sorry for the silence. My wife and I were away on our honeymoon in Tulum, which was gorgeous and the weather was perfect and it was so nice to be somewhere not blanketed in X feet of snow.