Established in 2016, Earwig Publishing seeks to produce Stories and Games that stray from the path worn-in by mainstream media. The Earwig is an oft misunderstood creature lurking in the darkness, whispering among themselves, and making tea and jammed toast on the coals of the ire cast against them. “They think we’ll crawl in their ears while they sleep!” says one. To which another replies, “Atrocious! What use have we for such a bounty of wax and nonsense?”
Hello and welcome to the Read it For You podcast! A show where I download a sketch story directly into your ears. I’m your host/author Tyler McNamara. Each week I take two ideas (often suggestions from listeners like you) and smash them together into a story that could be true, but probably isn’t.
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The tiny bubbles have just started to form on the edges of the pot when the front door opened wide enough, and long enough that I can feel the chill blow down the hall and join me in the living room.
“Mom! Hey mom! Can Sam stay for dinner?”
This Sunday! Sunday! SUNDAY! In the DEATH CAGE ARENA. Forget the ring. ForGET the octagon! Forget cage matches with the razor wire along the top, 'cause these wrestlers are taking it to the next level in the only round ring in the federation. THIS IS WRESTLE MANIA 3,000!!
Hectogram means 100 grams. But I did a little play on words. Instead of using the Latin route of gram (gramma: a small weight) I'm using the Greek route, which is also gramma but means "something written". Like in the word telegram. So without further ado, or abject digressions I present: Flight. Written in 100 words.